The High Sec Carebear has finally moved to 0.0, Adventures with TEST awaits.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Blasters, what's that for?

I was looking at my skill tree recently wondering what to do next, I've just completed Mining Director rank 5 and didn't have a clear plan of what to do after it.
Most of my industrial skills are perfectly fine for what I'm doing at the moment, my support skills for flying the hulks and the Orca are also pretty all right for now.  It struck me though, training a few basic combat skills might not be a bad idea, I need to get some missions going for standing increase after all and the courier stuff is just killing me with boredom.

So I started looking at combat missions, and some nice ships to rip through them with to get some basic standings up, always nice to get better refining yield and evading those pesky tax collectors.
My gunnery skills are awful, as are my missile skills so that kinda rules out dedicated gunships and missile boats.
My drone skills however are pretty decent, seeing as I tend to rely on drones for protection in the barges and the Orca, so why not go down that route.  I'm already a proud Gallentean so drones should be a very natural form of combat for me.

Looking over my skills again I quickly realized I'm only missing Mechanic to 5 in order to train for assault ships.  I already trained Gallente Frigate to 5 for the Cov Ops frigates, so that bit was sorted, I also need mechanic 5 for various industrial skills eventually so I figured I might as well get started on it.

As for now, I've decided to train up the mechanic skill and buy an Ishkur, it looks like a pretty good ship.
Nice tank, big dronebay, decent speed and not as reliant on gunnery skills seeing as the drones does the dirtywork.
I've also gone and bought me a Navy Vexor to play around with and I have to say, that's one fun ship.
Expensive for a cruiser and to be honest a normal Vexor would have done just as well, but I sorta like the paint job on it and the low slots are awsome.

Just hoping I don't loose them both due to fetching coffee in a mission site or something.

Evoran Shin.

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