The High Sec Carebear has finally moved to 0.0, Adventures with TEST awaits.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Red vs Blue. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

So, when shooting asteroids, checking market margins or shooting little red crosses gets to boring, I turn to RvB.  RvB (Red vs Blue), for those who may not know, are two corporations locked in eternal war over a few systems, currently close to Jita.
The premise is that you join up and you will have instant combat all the time, largely concentrated to a small number of systems to keep the intensity high. 
Red and Blue HQ are separated by a few jumps to have some systems were station games are less prevalent and to allow some gatecamping and mobile action.  RvB will probably give you whatever type of combat you desire on a regular basis, with a few exceptions.

There are a few rules to keep drama and chaos down and from what I've seen so far these rules are enforced by both corporations.
NO Podding allowed, you are under no circumstances allowed to pod fellow RvB members, third party war targets are fair game though.  From what I know, podding without having a darn good excuse for it, will get you booted from RvB.
No ECM, all other types of E-War are allowed, but no jammers.  The idea is on fun fights and jammers aren't.

The following is my experience and opinion only, your mileage may vary.

The Good.

Instant fights, all the time, you undock and there are people to fight.  There's a fleet up nearly 23/7 that you can join for PvP, or you can go out solo and look for fights as it suits you.

You WILL get used to loss, which is rather essential in EVE, RvB will teach you to fly things you can afford fast, because you will loose the stuff you undock in.

Feet first PvP lessons.  There's no easing into things in RvB, you go from peaceful carebear to frothing maniac the moment you join.  You will learn things fast or you won't have any fun at all.

Great community, I've met very few idiots in RvB, the people on both sides are fun loving little hellraisers who will gladly share their knowledge with you.  Questions are answered, fits are critiqued and shared, and the FC's are extraordinary patient with people/newbies in fleets.

Regular events that you can take part in, everything from local brawls to low sec/null sec roams.  The people running the whole thing are simply fantastic at creating content for their members and I can't thank them enough for the time and effort they put in.

Very laid back and relaxed community, no API keys required, registrations everywhere, jabber, IRC etc.
You join, signing up for the forum is recommended, but not required as I've understood it, and use EVE voice in fleets.  It can't really get simpler for anyone who wants to PvP without the politics and all the other things that come with it.  Out of Game voice comms are used for some events I believe, but all of these are 100% optional.

The Bad.

Not really a whole lot here, and keep in mind that this is purely my own opinion on the matter.

You can get poor fast unless you have money on the side or fly expensive stuff you can't replace.  Don't fly what you can't afford to loose.  I believe RvB has replacement programs with some conditions, but I've not used them, so my knowledge on the matter is limited.

Some fights are pre arranged and will seem rather "artificial", if I can use that word about blowing up spaceships in a video game.  If you're looking for a totally immersive war experience there are some fights that will disappoint you.  These fights are there to create content and explosions for whoever wants to participate though, so one really can't complain about them.  You are also free to ignore such fights as you please.

I don't really have any bad experiences from RvB myself, it's mostly what you make of it yourself, and not joining up with the wrong expectations.

The Ugly.

Nothing to really say here.
One would expect a community such as RvB to be full of trolling idiots, and I'm sure there are some, but I've not really met any of them.  The people are great, the organizers are fantastic and there's action all the time.
The quality of the community is probably down to leadership actually doing their job to provide quality content for everyone, and again, I can't thank them enough for it.

So, you want to be a 1337 PvP'er, tired of being the constant carebear, maybe you just wanna learn how to bite back in case of wardecs, Join RvB.  Stick an alt in there like I've done, I can almost guarantee you'll have fun and after a few days it's not so threatening to have people chasing you all the time.
Fly cheap frigates and get a feel for things, be the aggressor on a killboard for a change and have some good times with the rest.

There's not point, no endgame, no lines on the map, no motivation to fight other then the fight itself.
In RvB, we just wanna watch the universe burn.
And kill smurfs.
The more smurfs, the better.

Fly like you stole it.

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