The High Sec Carebear has finally moved to 0.0, Adventures with TEST awaits.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Back, Again.

Back yet again, after a long time of inactivity now.  New Eden seems to be a place I can't keep away from, it always feels like coming home when you log back in to space.

There's been more then a few changes since I was here last, I was rather confused about all the green and red squares in space first time I saw them, turns out they were part of the new scanning system.  I haven't quite made up my mind about the new scanning system and anomalies yet, seems like a pretty big plus in high sec, but it leaves you less time to bug out of sites in low sec.  Great stuff for people looking to kill folk, but since I'm usually the "getting killed folk" it could get ugly, adaptation required I suppose.

Speaking of low sec, Ventures are my new best friend.  Yes, I'm aware that ISK pr hour is horrible mining in low sec, I'm also aware that mining for your own production etc, is a terrible waste of money, but you can't beat the fun factor.  I've been taking Ventures into low sec for some ninja mining here and there since I came back, and it's fun as hell, it's nimble, fast and the warp strength helps a lot on the safety factor.  I'm looking to get me a prospector next, maybe take it into null sec or some wormholes, the Cov Op's cloak should be ideal for that kind of nosing around.

Evoran's been spending most of his time getting set up again, moved home system, picked the trading back up and been researching some BPO's.  I've been getting to know the market again and trading is currently netting some nice profits all around.  The new Crius industry system seems great so for, I've heard/read all the doomsday prophecies regarding it, but I've got few complaints so far.  EVE is about adapting after all.

I was also pleasantly surprised to see my RvB alt still in Red Federation, I was expecting her to have been removed due to inactivity, but I was able to jump straight in again.  Well, straight in after I'd researched new fittings and tactics.  There's seems to have been quite a few changes in the PvP front aswell.  Frigates, destroyers and cruisers have been reworked, not sure if it applies to more ships, those are the ones I fly, new roles, slot layouts and bonuses, great stuff.  I've mostly been tearing around in cheap frigs, as per usual, sneaking in on KM's and getting back into it. 
The relaxed RvB atmosphere is fantastic though and they do produce great fights, I encourage anyone to stick an alt in there just to try it out.  You can keep it as cheap as you like and still get great fights, there's always a fleet running so you never feel alone or abandoned and there's a lot of helpful people to answer all the stupid questions one might have.

Anyways, Fly safe.

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