The High Sec Carebear has finally moved to 0.0, Adventures with TEST awaits.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Alliance/Corp agression mechanics in high sec

Can flippers, suicide gankers and other thieves.
If someone steals from your can, it's theft and they open themselves up to fire from you and your entire corp for 15 minutes.  The rule applies to all forms of in-space theft, you steal, turn flashy to the corporation you stole from and risk getting shot for 15 min.
This is all well and good, CONCORD does not interfere with small scale theft, but you expose yourself to the risk of combat instead by doing it.  Now, we all know that most of the "thieves" are not very interested in the theft itself, but rather in baiting others into firing and thereby get the rights to fire back
Most of the "thieves" pick targets that can't beat them, in ships that can't even fight and fly something that can run if the opposition is harder then expected.  There's nothing really wrong with that I guess, not a fan of it myself, but it's allowed so it's fair game.

The problem I have here is the agression mechanics for alliances.
By attacking a person in an alliance, only the persons corp gets to fight, not the alliance as a whole.
This causes certain problems for alliances in high sec figthing off random people like canflippers.
We had a specifc incident a few nights ago, a can flipper went after a miner in the alliance, his corp was rather bled for people at that timezone however and he had little means of fighting back.
There were several alliance members in local eager to help though, I was out there with a few others trying to bait the flipper into agressing one of us, but to no avail.  The "thief" holds all the cards in that particular game, he can choose who, when and how to fight and by constantly harrasing one person, he's immune to harm from his alliance friends.

Yes, there's ways of fighting back, but they're limited, very cumbersome and sometimes costs too much (sec status etc)
The alliance can wardec the "flippers" corp, it only takes several days to do so and costs money, this flipper was in an NPC corp so it dont' work at all on him.
Suicide gank, possible, but you pay with your ship and your sec status, something that means little to some people and more to others.

It's EVE, I'm ranting, I know.
I just dislike a situation where several people who are "allied", officially, by game mechanic rules have to stand practically helpless in defending what is rightfully theirs.

End of rant.
Fly safe.

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